Meet the Farmers
Growing Culturally Relevant Produce Here in Linn County
Growing for Community
The Equitable Land Access Program connects farmers with land and equipment in Linn County. Meet our Farmers. Hear their story. Buy Local.
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Elouth went to school for nursing in this home country—then after moving to Iowa, he earned his degree at Kirkwood for English in 2020, Certified Nursing Aid (CNA) in 2022, and Medical Assisting (CMA) in 2023. He also joined the Grow Pamoja Program.
The Journey to Iowa:
Elouth knew he would eventually move to Iowa—his uncle would tell him stories about the state’s affordability and viability of living, prompting his aspirations to settle here. Once he moved, Elouth was shocked by the Iowa’s notorious winters—especially the cold temperatures. Although he had to adjust to the weather on top of transitioning to a new career (nursing to manufacturing), once he dug his feet into the dirt, he adored the welcoming community and availability of African storefronts.
Where his farming passion started:
Elouth grew up a natural farmer, helping out with his father’s farm; thus, he immediately looked into local and organic vegetables grown in Iowa. He discovered there were few farmers that grew African-relevant produce, and decided to fill the gap—hoping to produce as much as he could at an affordable price. His overall dream is to be a valuable resource to other migrant farmers who are new to American culture and speaking English; he hopes to help other people achieve their dreams.
Everything is possible when you believe. When you believe you can make.
ELA Program Experience:
To start his dream, he had a friend connect him to Feed Iowa First’s ELA program. Through the program, Elouth was able to access land, tools and education on using equipment, and farming advice. He recommends the program to those struggling to find land availability in Iowa.
What he is growing and how to buy:
Elouth grows a several vegetables varieties: okra, purple and white eggplant, squash, bell pepper, habanero pepper, amaranth, sweet potato, and beans. If you want to purchase directly from Elouth, feel free to reach out at 319-640-8611 or imanielouth@gmail.com.
Country: Togo
Akola received his Associate’s in Auto Collision Repair and Restoration at Kirkwood Community College in 2020.
The Journey to Iowa:
With the help of a friend, Akola moved to Iowa and found himself appreciating all the different types of careers to explore—settling on agriculture and farming.
Where his farming passion started:
Farming allows Akola to have access to fresh produce, and also grow organic food to feed others within the community. His motives in agriculture are also spurred on by seeing his own economic growth.
ELA Program Experience:
Akola joined Feed Iowa First with the help and recommendation from a friend. Through the ELA program, Akola has attended several trainings such as the Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) training to help him understand and navigate markets to sell his produce.
What he is growing and how to buy:
Akola grows a variety of vegetables including cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, roselle, okra, watermelon, and peppers. If you want to purchase directly from Akola, feel free to reach out at 319-693-7120.
Country: Burundi
In 2023, Siriro attended a training session about Funding at University of Iowa.
The Journey to Iowa:
Siriro is originally from Burundi, but lived in a refugee camp for 15 years. In 2011, he interviewed to come to the United States. By 2016, Siriro came to Iowa and began to farm here in 2017. He found a farming community in Cedar Rapids that helped him get started. Around 2019 he became connected with Feed Iowa First through a local church and by 2020, he became a member of our ELA Program.
Where his farming passion started:
Siriro’s passion for farming began at home in Burundi, where his parents were farmers. He loves farming now because of his ability to grow food for his family and social networks.
ELA Program Experience:
Siriro appreciates the resources the ELA Program offers, such as equipment sharing, seed starting, and farmland provided. He admires that there’s always someone willing to help him whenever he needs. After he graduates from the program, Siriro looks forward to growing his business.
What he is growing and how to buy:
Siriro grows white eggplant, tomatoes, okra, onion, sweet potatoes, potatoes, strawberries, cabbage, and a variety of hot and green peppers. If you’re interested in buying from Siriro directly, feel free to reach out to him on WhatsApp at 512-230-9214.
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Journey to Iowa
When Daniel first came to the United States, he started out in Minneapolis. Shortly after, he moved to Portland, Maine where he worked as a pastor and continued farming. Then, Daniel arrived in Iowa with his family after a friend’s son contacted him, saying Iowa would be a great fit with his agricultural background.
Where his farming passion started:
Daniel’s passion for farming began while he was a scout leader in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He used farming to show the scout group he worked with as a way to grow on the land in order to make a living. Together, they grew cabbage, carrots, and amaranth.
What he is growing and how to buy:
Daniel is growing cabbage, white eggplant, hot peppers, roselles, yams, and sweet potatoes. Daniel can be reached at daniel1scout@yahoo.fr for inquiries.
ELA Program Experience:
Daniel has had a positive experience in the ELA Program. Having access to resources such as water and equipment has made his farming experience easier.
Country: United States
In 2017, Mari earned her Bachelor’s of Art in History and Spanish from Coe College.
Where her farming passion started:
Mari’s great grandparents were farmers in Mississippi and Kentucky, but hasn’t continued farming since. Mari always had an interest in nature and gardening, but didn’t realize it could be a possible career opportunity for her until she volunteered at a vegetable farm, Trowel & Error, during the summer of 2020. She realized that her love for nature and and her hobby of gardening are not incompatible with her lifelong pursuit of justice. She sees farming and racial justice as intertwined and inseparable.
Mari continues her passion of agriculture—her farm specializes in growing culturally relevant crops that heal the Earth and our relationship to the Earth, while simultaneously expanding access to healthy, delicious food for everyone in the local community, regardless of means or geography.
ELA program experience:
Mari fully realized her dream of running a farm through Feed Iowa First, when she was offered a spot in the ELA program. Before the program, Mari didn’t have access to farmland—but now she has her own plot at Wanatee Farm. The seed and irrigation stipends combined with ongoing equipment sharing and technical assistance, helped to remove financial barriers to her success. Mari strives to have long-term viability for her farm business.
Mari continues her search for farmland (5-40 acres) to lease or buy (for 5+ years) with electrical access once she graduates from the ELA program in 2025. One-site housing is not necessary if it’s within a 30-minute drive from a metropolitan area. Feel free to email Mari at blackearthgardens@gmail.com with any land leads or inquiries.
What she is growing and how to buy:
Mari grows vegetables, fruits, and herbs that are culturally significant to Black communities in Eastern Iowa. She grows over 20 difference varieties, including mustard greens, turnip greens, collards, green tomatoes, heirloom hot peppers, okra, butterbeans, and strawberries. If you are interested in buying directly from Mari, feel free to stop by her booth at farmer’s markets. She also sells produce to a CSA and restaurants. For inquiries, she can be reached at blackearthgardens@gmail.com or on social media at https://www.facebook.com/blackearthgardens.
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Guy received his Associates in Agricultural Business in 2023 from Kirkwood Community College.
The Journey to Iowa:
Guy came to Iowa back in 2017, and with him he brought a wealth of agricultural knowledge from his studies back home. Once arriving in Iowa, Guy became fascinated in the various types of uses for produce—especially the versatility and appreciation of corn. He enjoys seeing the community put value on food—and discovering all the corn festivals in Iowa.
Where his farming passion started:
As one who lived within a family of farmers, agriculture was his first job and passion. For Guy, farming unifies the family and community to work together and help each other out. Guy enjoys process of starting veggies, finding himself looking over his plants even during his free time. His goals for the future are to buy more acreage, plant corn, and purchase chickens.
ELA program experience:
Guy first discovered the program when he reached out to USDA to build his own business, and they redirected him to Feed Iowa First. Through the program, Guy learned a lot more about farm planning and the direct impact his culturally relevant produce makes for the wider community. He highly recommends the program, even promoting it to his friends who have also started a farming business.
I’m happy because 99% of anything I ask, the program is able to provide for me.
What he is growing and how to buy:
Guy grows a variety of fresh produce including tomatoes, okra, Adirondak red potatoes, white potatoes, African Jamaica sweet potato leaves, amaranth leaves, cucumbers, Egyptian spinach, roselle, cassava leaves, and pumpkins. If you’d like to purchase his produce, you can reach him at agribusiness@gbnassociatesllc.com.
Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kisonia earned a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Information Technology as well as a Master’s in Rural Development.
The Journey to Iowa:
In her home country, Kisonia started farming—continuing her career after moving to the United States. She first resided in Maine when she came to the U.S, but moved to Cedar Rapids, Iowa in 2016, so her husband could pursue his degree in Computer Engineering. Her move to Iowa was additionally motivated due to the affordable living cost in comparison to the East Coast.
Where her farming passion started:
In Kisonia’s home village, they ate primarily from their own gardens, prompting Kisonia into an agricultural career. She stays motivated because she can eat fresh produce and teach her children how she grew up on a farm. Other benefits include working on her own time, feeling fulfilled to grow organic food to feed people, utilizing it as a way to destress, and being out in nature.
ELA program experience:
Kisonia discovered Feed Iowa First through a work colleague. She calls the program her second mother, because it taught her everything she knows now. She recommends the program to others to help get a jumpstart in a successful agriculture career.
What she is growing and how to buy:
She currently grows tomatoes, peppers, white eggplants, amaranth, nakati vegetables, turnip, egyptian spinach, and water spinach. If interested in purchasing produce, you can reach her at patiencekisonia@yahoo.com or on WhatsApp after 5:00 PM at.
No one can know everything; we learn everyday throughout our lifetime.
ELA Alumni.
Country: Burundi
Theo received a certification for Environmental Education in Africa.
Journey to Iowa:
After moving to the United States, Theo settled in Iowa—which drew him in with its farming culture and tranquil environment.
Where his farming passion started:
Theo loves working on a farm and the exercise involved. Growing culturally relevant produce for his community is one of his passions in farming. Another bonus is that he is also able to bring in additional income through farming while doing meaningful work he enjoys.
ELA program experience:
Meeting Sonia Kendrick, Feed Iowa First’s founder, in 2016 opened Theo’s eyes to new agricultural opportunities. Through the program, he was able to learn more about faming practices and using heavier equipment. He recommends the program to anyone seeking to start their own farm. His advice: continue to work hard and never be afraid to ask for help.
What he is growing and how to buy:
Theo grows white eggplant, tomatoes, onions, corn, green and purple cabbage, beets, beans, and more. If you would like to get produce from Theo, you find his produce at Newbo City Market and the Catherine McAuley Center. You can also directly purchase and reach out to him on WhatsApp at 319-213-1017.
I tell myself to continue to work hard and not give up. To utilize the recourses around me and not underestimate my abilities.
Darius & Wealee N.
Country: Liberia
ELA Program: 3rd Year Farmer
Darius received his Master of Strategic Leadership in 2020 at Mount Mercy University. See his news article on their website.
The Journey to Iowa
Darius came to the U.S from Liberia in 2015. He originally lived in Philadelphia for 2 years before moving to Iowa, which caught his attention in particular because of the farming opportunities. Darius became connected to Feed Iowa First through a friend and started volunteering with us. A year later, he became one of our first ELA farmers in 2021.
Where his farming passion started:
Darius comes with 5 years experience of farming and a Bachelors in General Agriculture from the University of Liberia in West Africa. He later attended Mount Mercy University and obtained a Masters in Strategic Leadership. Darius has a strong passion for agriculture, as he loves spending time in the fields and enjoys all aspects of agriculture. Being able to grow and provide food for people to eat is a strong source of pride for him.
ELA program experience:
Through Darius’ experience in the ELA Program, he has been able to expand and share his knowledge with other farmers.
What they are growing and how to buy:
Currently, Darius grows bell peppers, habaneros. eggplants, bitterball, okra, and potatoes. You can contact Darius at dnupolu@yahoo.com for inquiries.
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/Nupolusfarm